Sunday, November 20, 2011

#3: Tell a Teacher Thanks.

Okay so this one seems simple enough, and really it was, but it also ended up being a little harder than I first thought.  To be honest, I forgot about doing it until Friday, when I was sitting in my World Religions class, and so I told myself, “Alright, easy enough.  I’ll just tell my World Religion teacher thanks for a being a good teacher.” 

But then as I thought more, I thought it’d probably be better to thank him specifically for that day, and in order to do that, I had to listen carefully and really get everything out of the lesson.  Ha and ya know I got SO much more out of that class than I ever have.  I go to class and take notes, but it’s mostly just copying down whatever he’s writing on the board and spending the rest of the class fighting sleep.  So on Friday I switched things up and I took more time to listen to the comments being made and the discussion going on in class.  And I’ve never thought about this before, but I think that is totally how smart people become smart…they just learn whatever they can wherever they go and pick up on a TON more than just going through every event so they can “check off” each part of the day.  Interesting realization :)

And then after class, my teacher was talking with another student, so I ended up waiting 5 minutes or so to say something, but I’m glad I did.  I could tell he was expecting me to ask him about the homework or the papers we had just worked on this week, but I just said, “Hey thanks.  I got a lot out of the lesson today and I really like everything you do as a teacher.”  He looked kind of surprised, but he also just smiled and said basically that he really appreciated that. 

So moral of this story…really not a big deal to take an extra minute to tell someone thanks, and it’s totally worth it.  I bet you won’t regret it ;)  Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

#2: Laugh. A lot.

So this was a fun one and it actually ended up being pretty easy because well there’s just a LOT of things that make me laugh.  But I did discover something kind of cool…the more I thought about things that made me laugh, the more other things just became funny too.  And ya know?  There’s ALWAYS something to laugh about.

Few of the laughs of the week:

·         Sitting in World Religion class and watching my huge notebook dramatically fall off my desk and simultaneously seeing the page I was writing on be ripped right out of the notebook and fly the other direction.  My professor stopped mid-sentence, looked at me, and said, “Ha. That was funny.” Then went on with his lecture.

·         Watching my friend Ethan try and cross his eyes. Classic.

·          Walking across campus and then seeing a little 5 or 6 year old girl come running towards me with a clipboard. She stopped me and asked, “Can I ask you a question?” I said yes then she said, “Okay. Are you afraid of spiders?”  I said yes, then I see her clipboard, which had a paper with a big yes on one side and a big no on the other. She added a tally on the yes side, then ran away. Laughed the rest of the way home.

·         Horton Hears a Who…I’ve never seen it before and expected it to be alright, but I seriously laughed for 2 hours straight.  If you haven’t seen it yet, watch it. Love it.

·         Talking about the roles of girls and boys.  For the record, boys need to be able to lift a wheelbarrow. Girls need to have babies.

·         The mailman’s look after I asked him if it was possible to overnight a Jamba Juice to Texas. Ha it was PRICELESS.

And just a little something to make you laugh.
 Story of my life.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

101 Things.

So a couple weeks ago, I found this book my mom gave me called “101 Things You Should Do Before You Graduate.”  And ya know I’m always looking for things to add a little extra fun to each day and week, so in pen and ink (typing and blogpost??) I am going to finish all 101. Before I graduate.  So with that being said, let me introduce #1:

#1: Make Exercise a Habit

Ha and let me just say this one was definitely a PERFECT one to start with.  Exercising used to be a foreign term to me meant only for moms and such but then I came to college and well let’s just say my mom did a really good job of giving me well balanced meals and keeping minimal treats at the house and I TOTALLY didn’t even realize what a blessing that was until I finished a full year of college…there came a point at the end of winter semester where I just felt sick all the time.  Seriously though.

BUT good news :) I got fully acquainted with the gym over the summer and now I’m finding a good balance between the craziness of school and leaving time to cook myself full meals and go to the gym, but I’m adjusting.  Since I’ve started this goal a few weeks ago, I’ve met my weekly challenge of going to the gym at least 3 times each week.  So all is going up and I plan on continuing this goal, and also moving on to number 2.  Basically, yay for goals and goal setting and trying to balance homework with other stuff.  And stay tuned for more ;)