Friday, January 27, 2012

#7: Go On a Blind Date With No Expectations.

Ha well this is a little embarrassing…I haven’t written in a month. And a week. Oops!  But in my defense, Christmas happened, then the new semester with lots of new classes and homework and new calling meetings that are filling my Sundays, which was my blog post day.  Sooo basically what I’m saying is I’m trying to make myself feel less guilty about stopping my goal setting for a couple weeks, but really there isn’t a good excuse so here I am again. Saying sorry :)

But I did finally get back on track and this goal actually happened by coincidence and lined right up with a one of my things to do! I went on a blind date with one of my friend’s old roommates and even refrained from looking up his name on facebook before I went  :)  And I had a BLAST!  We went ice skating up in Heber at this cool outdoor skating rink and some of his friends were in a band that played in the middle of the rink while we skated around.  REALLY cool.  Plus, he was a pretty cute guy and it was really fun knowing absolutely NOTHING about someone and by having no expectations, I was able to just have a good time and not need to try and impress him all night.  It was a really laid back crazy date and by the end of night, my stomach hurt from laughing so hard.  Oh hey and Nick if by some odd chance you ever see this and see I’m talking about you, I hope you know it was awesome to get to know you!  Ha.