Wednesday, February 22, 2012

#8. Welcome Mornings Part 2…Revised.

Alrighty weelll I gave this goal another couple weeks.  And hey you know I have gotten better.  There’s no popping out of bed the second my alarm goes off but I get up.  And make it to class on time.  And always get breakfast.  And my roommate Heidi doesn’t have to tell me every day that my alarm is going off.  Definitely an improvement ;)

But I also have realized more lately that there are other important things in life that sometimes require sacrificing sleep.  My roommate Laryssa and I are often both up late doing homework and especially these past couple weeks, we've had some really good talks.  Yes, it was hard waking up the next morning and I went to school with my hair in a messy bun, but I don’t regret it.  Sometimes 2 am is just the time when everything comes out :)

So yes.  I now successfully like mornings more and with time I’ll keep improving.  But friends are also good and sometimes hard mornings because of quality late nights are a sacrifice that just might be worth it every once in awhile.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

#7 ½: Welcome Mornings.

I found this goal in my little book last week and my first thought was “Ah geez. This would be interesting.”  But then I had to try it out :)  I got some good things going on last week, but there were other areas that could've still be a little more effective…hence the 7 ½.  But here’s week one results: 


·         I ate breakfast every morning which just made everything  a lot lot LOT better…starting each day with a big breakfast in pajamas is a lot more motivating than a rushed granola bar on the way out the door  
·         Saving time to read my scriptures before I go to school.  Ha and I should clarify that reading scriptures VERY first thing, in bed, does not work :)
·         Hmm…thought I did more than just 2 things.  Three bullet points look better.


·         Still getting up at least 30 minutes after my alarm goes off.  If I don’t jump out of bed in the first 2 seconds after I hear my alarm, I almost always fall back into a really deep sleep.
·         In an attempt to solve number one, I set an alarm before I needed to get up and another one when I really needed to get up.  Nope didn’t work.
·         Getting to bed at a decent time so I can get up and not fall asleep everywhere I go.  I’m really good at finding all sorts of comfy spots on campus to fall asleep; there was even a time I fell asleep in my shower for 45 minutes. Ha oops.

So moral of the story, I REALLY like sleeping and getting up each morning is nothing less than a struggle, but the second half of this goal will be added once I’m able to successfully figure out a way to pull my sorry body out of bed at the time I choose the night before.  Heaven help me.

Yup. When my alarm goes off, I'm right there with ya pal.