Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Why I Want To Blog.

Okay so I’ve always thought about starting my own blog and even did make one when I was a sophomore.  That blog lasted about a week….then I just thought it looked ugly and it got old.   BUT it’s been on my bucket list awhile and I really thought it sounded like fun so here I go again.  And this time for real :)

The main reason I want to have a blog is for me to be able to record a little bit of my life down.  I’ve been pretty good at keeping up a journal and now I look back at what I wrote a couple years ago and it’s a lot of fun.  It’s kind of cool to see what I cared about enough to write down when I was 15 and how that compares to now.   Ha my first few months of consistently writing in a journal was when I was in Germany for a few months and I was seeing all of these aMAZing places but almost every entry is me talking about my friends back at home and who was mad at me and who I got along with and what boys I liked.  Dumb dumb dumb.  But I guess that’s what mattered most at the time :)  Now thankfully I’ve improved a little bit on what I want to remember about my life (although boys have stayed pretty consistently throughout my journal…somehow there always ends up being a WHOLE lot of pages about them).  

Anyways, this matters because if I’ve enjoyed writing in my journal so much, then why not a blog??  Writing this blog is definitely a good way for my family and friends to see what I’m up to since I don’t see all of them nearly as much as I want to, but it’s also just a good thing for me.  Just write down the small daily things that I sometimes overlook each day, but then look back and realize that all those moments pushed together are the things that make up my life.  So this blog really isn’t for you if you want to learn how to do something or read some funny story.  It’s not worth reading if you want something inspiring because I’m definitely not that.  But if you care to see what’s going on with me or just see a page or two out of my life…well enjoy :) 


  1. Annie!! I'm so excited to read your blog, it is so darn cute! :) I miss you lots and I can't wait to see you again!
    Much love,
    Katelyn :)

  2. Can't wait to follow along!
    Luv ya cutie! :}
