Tuesday, December 20, 2011

#6: Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast.

After wearing pajamas to school, I decided I really like doing that kind of stuff.  Ya know, the stuff that is maybe a little weird, but a lot of fun??  So ice cream for breakfast became a must :)  Plus my mom just made homemade hot fudge, which is definitely absolutely incredible, so I had no hesitancy giving up cereal for peppermint ice cream and hot fudge.

And for the record, my sister and I both ate a full bowl of ice cream at 9:00 am and then both came to the same decision that ice cream tastes amazing.  All hours of the day.

1 comment:

  1. Why not?! You can eat breakfast for dinner...why not dessert for breakfast?! Who makes up the rules anyway?! :)
