Sunday, December 4, 2011

#4: If You Can't Say Something Nice, Don't Say Nothing At All.

I feel like I need to start this one with the disclaimer that this goal is MUCH more than a week accomplishment and will be a lifetime work in progress, but it was a good emphasis week where I learned a lot, and brought good motivation to want to always make a better effort when it comes to what I say about other people.

There were lots of interesting little lessons, but the biggest thing I just want to get down is the realization of just how easy it is to say things about others that aren’t necessarily bad, but maybe don’t need to be said.   And I found that I was catching myself a lot more than I first thought I would need to. 

One other thing of note…there is ALWAYS something positive to say about a person.  Again, I’m far from perfect and have quite a deal to learn, but ya know that statement about 2 groups of people in the world?  The ones you love and the ones you don’t know well enough yet?  Well I believe that more and more every day.

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