Sunday, November 20, 2011

#3: Tell a Teacher Thanks.

Okay so this one seems simple enough, and really it was, but it also ended up being a little harder than I first thought.  To be honest, I forgot about doing it until Friday, when I was sitting in my World Religions class, and so I told myself, “Alright, easy enough.  I’ll just tell my World Religion teacher thanks for a being a good teacher.” 

But then as I thought more, I thought it’d probably be better to thank him specifically for that day, and in order to do that, I had to listen carefully and really get everything out of the lesson.  Ha and ya know I got SO much more out of that class than I ever have.  I go to class and take notes, but it’s mostly just copying down whatever he’s writing on the board and spending the rest of the class fighting sleep.  So on Friday I switched things up and I took more time to listen to the comments being made and the discussion going on in class.  And I’ve never thought about this before, but I think that is totally how smart people become smart…they just learn whatever they can wherever they go and pick up on a TON more than just going through every event so they can “check off” each part of the day.  Interesting realization :)

And then after class, my teacher was talking with another student, so I ended up waiting 5 minutes or so to say something, but I’m glad I did.  I could tell he was expecting me to ask him about the homework or the papers we had just worked on this week, but I just said, “Hey thanks.  I got a lot out of the lesson today and I really like everything you do as a teacher.”  He looked kind of surprised, but he also just smiled and said basically that he really appreciated that. 

So moral of this story…really not a big deal to take an extra minute to tell someone thanks, and it’s totally worth it.  I bet you won’t regret it ;)  Happy Thanksgiving!

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